Monday, November 30, 2015

Moisturize Me!

I don't know that this really relates to any of my blog "topics" but I need to say, man my legs get dry and itchy when it gets cold out! Am I good about putting lotion on? No, not really. I have lots of skin lotion, but I never remember to put any on. So, what do you, dear reader, think about skin care aka lotion specifically? Is there a particular brand you prefer? What do you do to keep your skin moist in the colder months?

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Cooking. How Long Do I Need To Boil An Egg?

Yes, that above question is something I asked friends on Facebook about 6 months ago. I would always boil an egg for a long time... 10 minutes, maybe 15... wait, how long has that egg been in the water? I received some good answers this simple question, but I have since forgotten them and gone back to boiling eggs for what seems like an eternity. Why am I telling you this amusing anecdote? Well, my dear reader, I am telling you because it is a confession. I don't like to cook. No, that is not a strong enough statement. I hate cooking. But, I love eating. So, I always would cook simple things like tacos, spaghetti, Japanese curry (in the pouch and then make the rice), and, oh, did I mention tacos? So, in an effort to not always spend a fortune eating out all the time and make a real effort with this pescetarianism and eating better in general, I subscribed to Vegetarian Times Magazine. They had a discounted deal and I could get a two year subscription for $17 or so, but then they added another offer for $2 or so more I could get a third year. So, I guess at least for the next three years I will be cooking more regularly. Let's hope they have a good vegetarian taco recipe in one issue.

Can't Sleep... Why Not Start A Blog?

So, I've been awake since about 3AM or something. I'm tired, but I can't sleep. I just have random thoughts running through my head... one of which is: "Should I become a pescetarian?" For those of you who don't know what that is, a pescetarian is someone who doesn't eat any land animals, but does eat seafood. I have dabbled in both being a vegetarian and/or pescetarian in the past for various lengths of time. The longest I've ever gone with either diet has been around a year or so.
Why am I deciding on doing this again? Well, I have never been a huge meat eater. I recently did a 21 day detox that my boot camp was having which was a Paleo diet. I was having success with it, but toward the end I had a few cheats with some rice and maybe a dessert or two. Sorry Heath! (He is my boot camp instructor). I lost some weight doing this diet, but it was difficult. (I also have a sweet tooth and missed chocolate desperately!) I think I am babbling... I will blame that on lack of sleep... anyway, one thing about the Paleo diet I wasn't crazy about was all that meat. Under my "normal" diet I will have at least 2-3 days a week where I don't eat meat. With this diet I was eating meat All. The. Time. And, quite frankly, that put me off of meat. So, after the detox I have been pondering going pescetarian. I have always enjoyed seafood, particularly sushi so this is a diet/lifestyle I can live with.
While I pondered pescetarianism I saw that some fitness guys I enjoy watching on YouTube, The Hodgetwins, recently became pescetarians. I thought, well if they can do it, why not me? So, at 5:47 CST I am declaring that I am going to be a pescetarian. I may have some slip ups along the way, but you can join me on this journey.
Oh, but wait, there's more... This blog isn't just going to be about diet. I will also talk about fitness such as: workouts I am doing, trying to get in better shape, etc. I will also discuss my being a fangirl... i.e. geeking out about sci-fi, comics, anime, and even sports. So, I hope there is something for everyone to enjoy reading. Even if there are only a handful of you out there to listen to my rantings... enjoy!